Bio-quantum energy therapy is an alternative practice for alleviation and/or elimination – all kinds of diseases, injuries, pain and distress, including those formally regarded as “incurable”.
Therapy is performed by method D-BRET (Distance-Bioquantum-Resonance-Energy-Therapy). It renews and stabilizes the human biofield (energy-information matrix). Bio-quantum energy therapy is not in collision with allopathic medicine (official medical practice), it is safe and does not cause any undesirable side effects.
Bio-quantum energy therapy is by far the most successful method to regain the energy balance and to get the energy in our body to a higher level. Bio-Quantum-Energy-Therapy is extremely helpful at:
- Gout
- Sciatica, backache, discus hernia
- Hemorrhoids
- alleviating and/or eliminating the pain (head, neck, back, arms, legs, joints)
- alleviating and/or eliminating chronic pain
- fatigue, stress, depression (anxiety)
- healing injuries (fractures, sprains, contusions) of bones, muscles and ligaments (faster recovery time by up to 3-5 times)
- curing and treating chronic diseases
- autoimmune diseases
- asthma, allergies
- Alzheimer (dementia), MS, Parkinson’s
- headache, migraine, sinusitis
- diseases of eyes, ears and throat
- thyroid diseases
- diabetes
- cholesterol
- high and low blood pressure
- cardiovascular diseases
- lymph and lymph glands
- Rheumatic diseases (arthritis, gout…)
- scoliosis, kyphosis
- problems with the stomach, intestines, livers, kidneys, pancreas, bladder
- infertility, gynaecological problems, incontinence, prostate problems, genital problems, haemorrhoids
- skin and hair problems (psoriasis)
- tumors
- boosting of immune system
- significant reducing the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation
- …
How to book your therapy? Contact us on cell phone No. +386 41 636 532 or at the e-mail: info@bioquantum.org or complete the contact form below: