Brane Kolenc
He was born in Ljubljana where he spent his wild and exciting teenage years. At the age of 20 he realised that he has to do something more than the usual (education, career, family…). He went to a workshop by Foster Perry, an American Shaman and a healer where he felt the power of regression and the effect of healing on an emotional level. At the age of 22 he went to North America to Lakota tribe where he has the honour to meet the Shaman Joseph Flying Bye. Apart from learning about the culture of Native Americans he was subjected to his first healing. In 2007 he started learning the method by the healer Zdenko Domančić and got his certificate. In 2009 he went to Peru with his friends/healers where he gained new life experiences and insights.
Brane is a fan of nature and mountains. Apart from that he is a master chef. He is very passionate and committed to the work in the group.