Bio-Quantum-Energy-Therapy is efficiently performed AT A DISTANCE – by method D-BRET (Distance-Bioquantum-Resonance-Energy-Therapy).
Intervention into the client`s energy matrix causes strong therapeutic effects and carry potential to alleviate and/or eliminate all kinds of health problems (diseases, pain, injury and distress). Bio-Energy therapy is performed according to quantum procedures, which gives the impression of magical mystical practices – information (energy) is remotely transfered from therapist to the client – transmission is enabled by omnipresent (ubiquitous) energy grid (the matrix), which is immanent and intrinsic attribute of the Nature (Quantum entanglement).
Therapist is a highly specialized biofotonic mediator who remotely performes quantum teleportation – inducting and steering biofotonic plasma to the client`s energy matrix. The proces causes a strong therapeutic effects. Effectiveness (efficiency) of the process is not limited by the client’s location and the distance (literally there is no limitation to be on the other side of the world).
HOW TO BOOK an Bio-quantum energy therapy?
Contact cell phone No. +386 41 636 532 – briefly describe (explain) your health problem (illness, injury, pain, distress). If it is easier to you to write about your health problem, please do it in short sentences and send them to email:
We`ll arrange an appointment as soon as possible – therapy lasts four consecutive days, up to 30 minutes per day. During the energy therapy take your rest (you can sit or lie), it is important to be completely relaxed (physicaly and mentaly), avoid to have crossed arms or legs and provide no disturbing 30 minutes.
1. Call: call the energy therapist at the agreed time and confirm that you are ready to start therapy (you are comfortably installed and fully moderated). Then stop the line.
2. Call: after thirty minutes (bio-quantum energy therapy is already completed) the therapist returns the call to be informed how you feel after the completion of therapy. The following date for the therapy is usually the next day at the same time.
Statements of clients:
- Miom
- Nevralgija trigeminus
- Breathing problems
- Zastoj srca
- Indigestion
- Bolečine v ledvicah
- Energoterapija za Levkemijo
Booking: Call on cell phone No. +386 41 636 532 or contact us at the e-mail: or complete the contact form below: